Batt insulation hatch pattern autocad

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Why not just move on and let those of us who find tis post useful and worth our time to use it how we see fit. It is amazing that those of you who will take the time to ridicule this post for something you think is not worth your time to bother with. Our details should appear better than those days, we should be more meticulous, and do a better job - using the better tools and creating useful tools as we go. And yes, those of us who take pleasure in our work do care what our drawings look like, even when we were board drafting, that is why I am even more particular about how my AutoCAD details should look - because it can become much faster than when we were using pencil/ pen and paper.

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At small scales the line type works great due to the edges being hid in the line thickness, not so at the size I draw in. I have tried to illustrate this in the attached screen shot. I am having issues finding a Batt Insulation Pattern to use. A short video showing you how to draw insulation batting in NanoCAD, if you know AutoCAD then its pretty much exactly the same, however if you know AutoCAD. When drawing details that are at 3” = 1’-0”, poor batt insulation can make a detail look like a 3-year-old drew it. I am drawing a cross section using 2D CAD lines (to get more detail than the automatic cross section Chief creates). Ah, but the small details make the difference in a “so-so” drawing and a drawing that looks like a work of art.

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